נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש
Ahazya (Part 1)
Rabbi Elchanan SametThe short and bitter reign of Ahazya son of Ahav is characterized by sin and failure. He surpasses the evil of his father by becoming personally involved in idol worship. As a leader, his partnership with Yehoshafat fails, and Moav rebels from under Israelite control. He falls ill and dies with no son to take the throne from him. The narrative is described through the sending of messengers by Ahazya.
Ahazya (Part 2)
Ahazya's Messengers
Rabbi Elchanan SametGod's Angel commands Eliyahu to confront Ahazya's messengers, instead of speaking with Ahazya directly. An explicit message is conveyed to Ahazya, and an indirect message for the messengers themselves. The messengers return to Ahazya before completing their mission, and deliver the words God conveyed through Eliyahu to Ahazya. Their actions prove their loyalty to Eliyahu and the word of God, and repentance for their prior loyalty to Ahazya.
Ahazya (Part 3)
"A Hairy Man With a Girdle of Leather About His Loins"
Rabbi Elchanan SametAfter angering Ahazya by not fulfilling his mission and by relaying God's message to him, the messengers pretend not to know who the man who confronted them, in order to avoid angering Ahazya further. Ahazya identifies Eliyahu both by his appearance and by his methods.
“All the King's Men” - Ahazya's Messengers
Rabbi Alex IsraelBy sending messengers to Ba'al Zevuv, the god Ekron, Ahazya has outdown his father. Turning to the surrounding nations is a desecration of God's name. Eliyahu turns Ahazya first messengers to Ekron into his messengers with God's message of Ahazya's death. Ahazya sends a captain with a company of fifty men with the intention of killing Eliyahu and nullifying his message. The first and second companies of soldiers are consumed by a fire from heaven. The actions of the third captain signify an absolute surrender of royal power to God's power.
Sending Angels Away
Rabbi David Silverberg