poetic structure
נמצאו 13 תוצאות חיפוש
Eikha Chapter 1
Part 3
Dr. Yael Ziegler | 54 דקותThe third shiur in this series explores Perek Alef (Chapter One), which is comprised of two halves. The first involves an objective narrator; the second is a first person collective perspective. The first, more accusing tone, appears to be the prophet's (God's perspective), and the second describes Jerusalem's grappling with grief and sorrow.
By the Waters of Babylon: Analyzing Mizmor 137
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalomתאריך פרסום: תש"ע | |
Traditionally, mizmor Tehillim 137 of "Al neharot bavel" is known to be about mourning for the Beit Hamikdash while in exile. However, by analyzing this mizmor within the context of the purpose of Tehillim as a whole, we can uncover an alternative understanding - that this mizmor is actually a joyous reflective song about survival and triumph in the face of destruction.
Does Sefer Tehillim Tell a Story?
Dr. Yael Ziegler | שעה ו- 17 דקותDoes Sefer Tehillim tell a story? We usually think of Tehillim as a randomly arranged anthology of poetry describing personal religious experiences, and the individual chapters are completely separate from one another. However, a close analysis of Sefer Tehillim reveals that the structure of the mizmorim is in fact deliberate, and we can notice a clear narrative emerging throughout the book.
Mishlei - Part 1: Introducing Mishlei
Rabbi Shlomo Dov Rosen | 33 דקותMishlei is a book of philosophical poetry, relating to the deeper messages of our lives. A proper understanding of its themes - religiosity, wisdom, personal growth, and the relationship among them - can only be understood through a careful literary analysis of the poetry.
We begin the first shiur in this series with the very beginning of the book: the first of the set of short poems. We set out to understand how the key themes of wisdom, ethics, and justice are expressed through these poems.
short ideas that look so easy, so obvious, so accessible, that until you analyze them you don’t realize how much effort is necessary – in order to expend those efforts effectively, one needs to have yirat Hashem at the head of it all.
What does the first part of Misheli tell us? In the various stages of development, there are different types of wisdom, different aspects of one's personality. Wisdom will touch you on whatever level you have attained and will move you ahead – but only if you are willing to approach it with Yirat Hashem (Fear of God) and humility -not as the chacham (clever one) but as the navon (discerning one).
Mishlei - Part 9: Tips for Success
Rabbi Shlomo Dov Rosen | 40 דקותIn our ninth lecture, we will look at the sixth chapter of Mishlei. This chapter is composed of four short poems divided into two halves. They comprise separate units, but there is a basic theme and connection between them. The second poem is similar to the first half in form, but the message seems to be quite different. We must ask what type of message we are supposed to try to glean from these poems? We must return to the beginning to analyze it anew to find a deeper meaning to what seems to be a moral, yet self-defeating rule. Are we dealing with a practical guide to life as a successful person, or are we talking about something completely different: practical guidance on a deeper level - about repentance?
Creating a Model Society: Torah and the Davidic Kingdom
The Structure & Story of Book I
Dr. Beni Gesundheit | 57 דקותUnit II, Tehillim 15-24
Tehillim 15-24, the second unit in Book 1, form a chiastic structure around its central mizmor, Tehillim 19. These mizmorim also provide a response to the problem of evil expressed in unit 1. Tehillim 19 poetically praises the Torah and its contribution to man. The contextual interpretation will be used to show how parallel verses in proximal chapters surrounding this mizmor reinforce the concept of our commitment to God, from nature which sings and praises God and the psalmist who describes his responsibility to Torah.
Man in God’s Kingdom
The Structure & Story of Book I
Dr. Beni Gesundheit | שעה ו- 4 דקותUnit III, Tehillim 25-34
What structural elements define a pair of psalms as fraternal twins? How does such a framework help us better understand the mizmorim that are located between them? Tehillim 25-34, the third unit in Book I, form a concentric circle around its central mizmor, psalm 29, which serves as the turning point between the adjacent previous and following mizmorim. Tehillim 25 and 34, fraternal twin mizmorim, frame the intermediate psalms which describe the gradual process experienced by the psalmist. Tehillim 25–28 describes the psalmist’s troubles coupled with his desire to become close to God and be in His presence. Tehillim 30-34 describes salvation, thanksgiving to God and a description of God’s dominion in the world.
The Thread of the Davidic Dynasty
The Structure & Story of Books books II (42-72) & III (73-89)
Dr. Beni Gesundheit | שעה ו- 9 דקותMizmor 50 and the 2nd David collection D2 (51-72) – its Structure and Story
Why would the mizmorim of David be presented in separate collections from the 1st David collection (D1) in Book I? Wouldn’t it make more sense to just compile all of David’s mizmorim together in the book of Tehillim?
The analysis and context of Mizmor 50, the first mizmor of the Asaf Collection (50; 73-83), offer meaningful insights into the structure of Book II. Mizmorim 51-72 comprise the 2nd “for David” collection (D2). Insights from intertextual comparison with II Samuel 11-12 and contextual reading of D2 will reveal the overall structure and narrative, beginning with the moral foundation required for royalty (51) and continuing with events that occurred during David’s reign, including David’s old age (71, 9) when he passed his kingdom on to his son Shlomo (72). Differences between the D1 (3-41) and D2 collections are discussed.God’s Creation Restored: Reflections on Good and Evil, the Righteous and the Wicked, Success and Failure
The Structure & Story of Book IV (90-106)
Dr. Beni Gesundheit | שעה ו- 12 דקותMizmor 92: The Shabbat Mizmor and the First Unit of Book IV as a response to Mizmor 89
It is obvious from the header of this Mizmor, why it was chosen as the song of the day for Shabbat. But how does its content fit into the overall narrative and messages of Book IV?
Mizmor 92 has an outstanding poetic structure, rich contextual and intertextual connections which contribute substantially to its messages. Mizmor 92 informs us of the rehabilitation of the generation who returns from the exile. Mizmorim 90-94, starting off with Moshe’s prayer (Mizmor 90), is a literary unit that provides a response to Mizmor 89. Contextual interpretation aids in developing the story of Book IV.
God and the Righteous: Two-Way Communication
The Structure & Story of Book V (107-150)
Dr. Beni Gesundheit | שעה ו- 7 דקותGod and the Righteous: Two-Way Communication
What can we learn from the special structure and contents of the adjacent Mizmorim 111 and 112? How can these be compared to other mizmorim in Tehillim?
Mizmorim 111 and 112 are arranged in the same manner and appear to have a similar message, and therefore, they are considered to be “twin” mizmorim. While Mizmor 111 praises God’s manifestation in the world, Mizmor 112 describes the qualities of the Zadik who walks in His ways (“imitatio Dei”). These two mizmorim demonstrate that God and the Zadik function as twins.
Contextual interpretation will be used to compare the twin chapters 111-112 to Mizmor 1 and to Mizmor 119, which are all similarly structured. This comparison reflects a fascinating spiritual, religious and psychological journey.
Standing on the Steps of the Holy Temple
The Structure & Story of Book V (107-150)
Dr. Beni Gesundheit | שעה ו- 9 דקותShirei HaMaalot (Mizmorim 120-134): Their Structure and Story
What characterizes these 15 short songs and what connects them?
Contextual interpretations shows the structure of 3 units (120-124; 125-129, 130-134), describing the return of the Jewish people from the exile to Jerusalem, building of the city and establishment of religious life in the Temple. The entire collection of these mimzorim is well integrated into the narrative of Book V as a bridge between Mizmor 119 and the Great Hallel (135-136).
The Structure of Pesukei D’zimra
Rabbi Alex Israelתאריך פרסום: 2023 | | שעה ו- 12 דקות
Tehillim 145-150 is a self-contained literary unit that has been fixed in our siddur to be recited daily, with a blessing before and after. What is the structure, and what are the central themes of this set of Tehillim?
Tehillim 90-92: A Journey of Emunah
Leah Herzogתאריך פרסום: 2023 | | 59 דקות
These three chapters of Tehillim, ascribed to Moshe, describe the glory and power of Hashem juxtaposed with our limited understanding. They illuminate Hashem’s omnipotence and infinitude all the while teaching us how to approach Him and rely on Him. Through textual analysis and interpretation, we can deepen our understanding of these important chapters and what it means to have faith, even (or specifically) in the darkest and hardest of times.