The reason behind forbidden sexual relations
נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש
Forbidden Unions (Arayot) – Vayikra 18
Rabbi Elchanan SametHazal and medieval commentators debate the reason behind prohibited sexual relations, and question whether this is a reasoned edict, or an unexplained law. This article discusses the positions that define the prohibition as a logical law, and offers various reasons for forbidding certain types of relationships.
Morality in Sexual Relations and the Land, Impurity and Sanctity
Rabbanit Sharon RimonThe prohibited sexual relations listed in Parshat Achrei-Mot are extremely grave offenses. By closely examining the text, we can understand that they lead to both the defilement of man and the defilement of the land, therefore the Torah emphasizes the severity of the sins several times throughout the parsha.
The Prohibition of Marrying Sisters
Rabbi Elchanan SametThe prohibition against marrying sisters is among the long list of forbidden relations included in Vayikra chapter 18. What is the nature of this prohibition? How can we explain Yaakov’s marriage to two sisters? An analysis of the text leads to a discussion of this prohibition and the various ways of understanding its applicability.
The Holy Constitution
Rabbi Ezra BickThrough a close examination of the text of Parshiot Achrei-Mot and Kedoshim, we can notice that the structure of the social constitution outlined in the parshiot is twofold, divided between the two parshiot. Acharei Mot contains the negative prohibitions of arayot (sexual transgressions), and Kedoshim contains the positive social practices which are meant to characterize Jewish society.