נמצאו 7 תוצאות חיפוש
The Status of Yishmael - Hagar's Escape and Hagar's Banishment
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanWhile Yitzchak is chosen to continue the legacy and covenant of Avraham; Yishmael maintains a unique status. What is the nature of Yishmael’s status; and why was he awarded this status? This article explores the question of Yishmael’s status through the comparison drawn between Hagar’s banishment and her escape.
Avraham's Gifts from Pharoah - Why did he Accept?
Rabbi David SilverbergSara and Hagar: A Maidservant Dispossessing her Mistress?
Rabbi David SilverbergSarah's Life: 127 Good Years
Rabbi David SilverbergThe Triumphant Matriachs: From Sari to Sara
Rabbi Dr. Daniel Tropper | שעהLast year, we focused on Avraham's journey. This shiur will center around the same chapters, but from Sara's perspective. What characterizes Sara's approach to challenges? How does Sara relate to God's promise of offspring to Avraham?
The Life of Sarah
Rabbi Yair Kahnתאריך פרסום: תשעד | | שעה
Recent debates about "Tanakh at eye-level" have raised the question: to what extent do we have a right to analyze the forefathers (and mothers) as regular human beings? Hazal, after all, say thay they were like angels. On the other hand, there are places where the Torah itself seems to judge personalities.
In this shiur, we will attempt to fit "puzzle pieces" about Sara together as we try to find a coherent narrative about her. Moving from the periphery to more and more of a central role, Sara takes various risks. We examine different aspects of the Torah's portrayal of her continued acts of self-sacrifice.
Chayei Sarah: What Makes For A Successful Life?
Rabbi David Fohrman |The Torah eulogizes Sarah by dividing up her age into 100 years, 20 years, and 7 years. In this video, Rabbi Fohrman delves into Rashi's famous explanation, and shows us that Sarah's integrated of experiences into her later life, we are given a model for how to best embrace life.
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