Tent of Meeting

נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Of Parts and Pieces: The Instructions and Assembly of the Mishkan (Audio)

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 16 דקות

    The lack of symmetry between the text's portrayal of God's commands pertaining to the Mishkan and Moshe's fulfilment of those commands hints to a message that the Torah seeks to convey about the Mishkan and its relationship to the people and the priests. This shiur explores the symbolism, significance and purpose of the representation of the Mishkan—the Tent of Meeting as a portable Sinai, as portrayed at the end of the book of Exodus.

  2. The Complementary Verses of the Command Concerning the Mishkan

    Rabbi Yehuda Rock

    The four complementary verses that conclude the commands concerning the Mishkan describe the daily sacrifice and its purposes: a meeting place between God and Israel, sanctification of Ohel Moed and the altar, the emanation of the Shechina, and the sanctification of the Kohanim. Through an examination of the text, we can notice that these purposes serve to map out the important milestones in the narrative of the Torah, from the time of the forefathers up until Sefer Bamidbar. 

  3. Of Parts and Pieces: The Instructions and Assembly of the Mishkan

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman

    The lack of symmetry between the text's portrayal of God's commands pertaining to the Mishkan and Moshe's fulfilment of those commands hints to a message that the Torah seeks to convey about the Mishkan and its relationship to the people and the priests. This shiur explores the symbolism, significance and purpose of the representation of the Mishkan—the Tent of Meeting as a portable Sinai, as portrayed at the end of the book of Exodus.