The Wars of Conquest
נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש
Chapter 9 Conclusion: The War of Conquest and the Pretense of the Giv'onites
Rabbi Michael HattinIn light of the story of the Givonim, this lesson will look at the Torah’s attitude toward appropriate behavior in war. According to Torah law, warfare must be waged in accordance with Divine principles. The Israelites are expected to adhere to guidelines that govern their conduct and that set limitations on their behavior in conflict.
Opening Themes in Sefer Shoftim
Rabbi Michael HattinThis article adresses some of the major themes of Sefer Shoftim:
1) The limitations of the great conquest of Yehoshua and the need for ongoing inhabitation of the Land
2) The unified national model of leadership versus the local tribal leadership model
3) The less direct means of communication with God during the period of the Judges.
Lesson 20: David’s New Conquests
Prof. Yehuda ElitzurDavid’s conquests marked a new phase in Israelite history. Since Moses and Joshua led the invasion of Eretz-Israel, the Israelite military campaigns were planned for one purpose only, to obtain land for settlement. David was the first to fight in order to rule. The earlier mentality of defense now gave way to an exuberant drive for enlarging and strengthening the Israelite territory. The centuries of intermittent battles against enemy invaders had an important lesson to teach the new king. No longer would the Israelites wait for the enemy to come. Rather, they were establishing new frontiers for the Israelite kingdom and thus they were evolving a new aggressive strategy.
The path to victory
Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Reiss