
נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Introduction - Daniel

    Rabbi Yaakov Medan

    The beginning of Sefer Daniel dates back to the Exile of Yehoyakim – the first Exile of Yehuda. Yehoyakim’s father Yoshiyahu was the final independent ruler of Yehuda and after his death a power struggle began between Egypt and Babylon. The date at the beginning of the book is reconciled with the dates in other books and the description of Yehoyakim’s demise is reconciled with description of his death and burial in Jerusalem.

  2. Ripping Scrolls or Tearing Clothes: Yehoyakim is not Yoshiyahu

    Rabbi David Sabato

  3. Royal Quarter and Bullae House, City of David

    Megalim Institute

    Megalim | 6 דקות

    The archaeological site of the Royal quarters of King Jehoiakim gives us a glimpse into the biblical narrative that ultimately lead to the destruction of the first Temple.

    Courtesy of Megalim Institute