Yosef in jail

נמצאו 10 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Prince and the Prison (Audio)

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 24 דקות

    Yosef finds favour while he is a slave in Egypt - in Potiphar’s house, and in jail. The text emphasizes again and again how God is helping Yosef. But if this is so, why does God bring Yosef continually downward? What is the meaning and message of Yosef’s descent?

  2. Yosef's Misplaced Confidence

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  3. What did Yosef do in Prison?

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  4. The Meshech Chochma's Explanation of the Baker in Jail

    Reuven Weiser

  5. A Quick Message about the Yosef Story

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 4 דקות

    Though it may not seem that way, Miketz contains messages of hope. Yosef asked Sar HaMashkim to mention him to Pharaoh. Though years passed before anything happened, he planted the seeds of his own salvation. Out of unrealistic situations, things could yet change for the better.

  6. Vayeshev: The Fulfillment of the Decree of Bondage in Egypt

    Rabbi Gad Eldad

    In our parasha, we encounter the tense relationships that developed in the house of Yaakov. The members of Yaakov's family eventually find themselves moving from Canaan to Egypt, and from there the story progresses to servitude and slavery that continues for centuries. Avraham had already been warned about this enslavement in the Brit Bein Ha-Betarim.

    At first glance, these appear to be two parallel processes, without any connection between them; they simply meet at the end. In this study, we will attempt to demonstrate that in the course of the narrative, which seemingly advances through human actions, Scripture indicates that God is tracking the events for the purpose of ensuring that the story will conclude with the fulfillment of His promise.

  7. The Author of Our Lives

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

    Almost everything that happens in Joseph’s life falls into two categories: Things done to him, and things he attempts to do on his own. But, in a unique sequence of descriptions, the Torah explicitly attributes his actions and their success to God. Through a close examination of the Joseph narrative we can gain a deep understanding of Divine intervention and about Joseph’s relationship with God.


    This article is part of the Covenant & Conversation series. 

    To read more from Rabbi Sacks or to subscribe to his mailing list, please visit http://www.rabbisacks.org/. You can also follow him on TwitterInstagram and Facebook

  8. The Story of Yosef in Mizmor Shir Hanukkat Habayit (Tehillim 30)

    Dr. Avigail Rock | 19 דקות

    Psalm 30, which is recited during shacharit every day during Chanuka, contains striking parallels to the Yosef narrative. Through a close examination of both texts we can learn about the nature of Chanuka and our relationship with God. 

    Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com

  9. Dreams and Their Interpretations

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky

  10. Yosef and the Sar Hamashkim: The Limits of Human Involvement in the Redemptive Process

    Rabbi Yair Kahn | 58 דקות

    Rashi comments that Yosef had to remain in prison for an additional two years, because he requested that the Sar Hamashkim plea to Pharaoh on his behalf, instead of relying on Hashem. Was Yosef really out of line? Does perfect faith demand that Man be inactive on the practical level? Does proactive human action indicate a lack of faith? We will study the Yosef story and explore these fundamental questions, which lie at the very core of Religious Zionist philosophy.