Perek 12:21-13

A series of prophecies concerning vision and prophecy appear in these pesukim. They are divided into two pairs. The first pair (12:21-28) decscribes two sayings concerning true prophecy that were prevalent at the time. The people discount the words of the prophets with the argument that they will not be realized in their time, while the prophet lays claim to legitimacy by saying that they will be realized shortly. The second pair (perek 13)  consists of two prophecies against false prophets (1-16) and false prophetesses (17-23).

Perek 14 begins by condemning the elders who come to consult God while they still cling to idolatry in their hearts (1-11). The rest of the perek deals primarily with the principle of personal retribution during a period of national punishment. The end of the perek concerns the fate of Jerusalem and it survivors in the context of this principle. 

Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen