Perek 34 is dedicated to harsh criticism of the leaders of Israel, who are compared to shepherds who misuse their positions. Instead of taking care of their sheep they take advantage of them for their own use. The perek is full of descriptions taken from the world of shepherding and describes in detail the supposed role of the leader as shepherd and the neglect which was the reality. There are two main sections to the perek: the first section (1-16) deals with the neglect of the shepherds/ leaders, and with God taking over for them and correcting their wrongdoings. The second section (17-25) contains criticism of the conduct within the flock and the lack of justice in it. It foresees the correction of these wrongs through a just trial by God and the appointment of David as prince over them. The perek ends with a blessing that will come to the people, which includes peace and agricultural prosperity. This blessing is based on the blessing in Vayikra 26.

After the prophecy about the shepherds we find two parallel prophecies: the first (perek 35) is directed at Mount Se'ir, the homeland of Edom, and predicts its destruction and desolation (in Hebrew: Shemama- a word which appears seven times in the prophecy). The second prophecy (36: 1-15) is directed at the desolated mountains of Israel, and foresees their rebirth, blossoming and resettlement by the nation of Israel. 

Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen