With the completion of his dedicative prophecy, Yehezkel remains among the people of the captivity for seven days - "Then I came to those of the captivity who dwelled in Tel-Abib on the river Chebar...and I remained among them seven dreary days" (3:15). After seven days, Yehezkel receives a new prophecy that concerns the prophet's role as a watchman (16-21). The prophecy of the watchman in our perek parallels the prophecy in perek 33, and both belong to the series of prophecies dealing with the theory of reward and punishment. As the perek continues (22-27), Yehezkel is commanded to leave the captivity for the plain. There, for a second time, the vision of the Glory of God is revealed to him. He is commanded to shut himself in his house and remain silent.
A series of prophetic acts symbolizing the predicted fate of the nation appear in perek 4 and the beginning of perek 5. The first act- tracing on a tile (1-3) - symbolizes the siege of Jerusalem. The second act - lying on his side for many days (4-8) - symbolizes the sin of the city and its punishment. The third act - eating food by weight and drinking water by measure (9-17) - symbolizes the severe famine that will prevail in Jerusalem during the siege and the suffering of the exiles.
Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen