Perakim 9 & 10 continue the description of Yehezkel's prophetic journey to Jerusalem. Yehezkel, who witnessed the abominations being committed in the Temple, now sees the punishment that will befall the denizens of the city. God sends his angels to kill the sinners among Jerusalem's population. The stages by which God's glory abandons the Temple are described along with the description of the destruction of the Temple and the city.

In the first part of perek 10 the man dressed in linen is commanded to burn the entire city (1-7). The burning and destruction of the city by the angels in the prophetic vision took place several years before its actual destruction by Nevuchadnezzar, and serves as the true source of the city's destruction "ground meal  you have ground, a burnt city you have set ablaze." (Eichah Rabbah 1:41). The second part of the perek (8-22) contains a description of the living creatures of the chariot of God (merkava) that parallels the description at the beginning of the sefer (perek 1). 

Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen